Library Rules
- Be Respectful of Others With Your Voice Level and Behavior.
The library is meant to be a comfortable place for everyone to learn, study and read. Whispering is the appropriate level of talking. - Return our books.
The library’s books belong to everyone. When you borrow a book, you are borrowing it from your classmates and from the community. You have (14) days to enjoy your items. Please return them quickly and in good condition for others to enjoy. - Be Safe.
Protect yourself from harm by avoiding horseplay. Continue to manage yourself as you do elsewhere in the building, and do not rock back in your chairs, jump on sofa or misuse Brain Gym equipment. - Be Courteous.
Clean up your own messes, including pushing in your chairs. Choose kind words. The library is a safe place that includes everyone!
Library Policies
Borrowing Books
Students may borrow up to two (2) books at a time for (14) days, so long as none is overdue. If a student has even one book overdue, he/she may not borrow another.
Renewing Books
Books may be renewed online using your library account from any computer. Students may only renew books from their accounts one time per book, and only if the book has not yet become overdue. Students may renew a book for an unlimited number of times by bringing them to the library desk for renewal.
Returning Books
Books borrowed from the library must be returned to the library. There is a locked cabinet just outside the library’s doors for returning items. Giving a book to a teacher or returning it in the front office are not recommended. Students will be fined for any days that pass between the time a book is given to a teacher and the time it is logged in the library’s computer.